When it gets harder to do what you KNOW you need to do it means you are on the right path.There are days when my purpose and path are really clear to me and I just know everything is moving into the right direction but then there are days when I am totally in the dark and it is just as if everything was erased from my mind. Erased and forgotten. What helps? Meditation, being creative and going out into the nature. Every. Single. Time. I return from the abyss with all this clarity, fresh ideas and willingness to just go and do it until Ego kicks back in. But you know what? I'm not giving up! I put Sia's awesome "Never Give Up" song on and I move forward. What do you do? What brings you back? Moving onto the creative log part. As I wrote last week I jumped into the training mode with making little works in My Pages book. As it happened I came across (thank you Universe! ♥ ) Rae Missigman's prompts for her Art Marks challenges. She posts words/prompts for a whole month in advance and then you work with them any way you like. There are a few hashtags to follow on IG and as always, it's really interesting to see how others interpret the same prompt. Here's a link to her page where you can read more about it - LINK The first prompt I tackled was "CREATE" and it it so visible how rigid I was. It's been a while since I did anything and it showed. The right page was done immediately after the left one and I just let go of all the expectations and just experimented with my new acrylic inks :) I also really liked the words that came to mind when I decided to add something into the spiral - "every day holds an opportunity of becoming the best day ever". "ATTENTION" brought down these clouds made entirely with my fingers. It was fun using my brand new chalk pastel I got because I really liked the colour. I also realized there are many attention seekers out there competing for my focus so this was a very interesting perspective on something that was eating me up at the time. Thank you Universe again! "INVEST" - I loooove how this one bloomed :) We must definitely invest in things that expand us in order to bloom. This was just a test spread for the inks but I must admit I am smitten with these colorful splotches. Thank you Rae for teaching me how to make them.
This week certainly flew by quite fast but I am working on something BIG in the background and can't just share yet what that is. All I can say is: it'll be inspiring! :) Thank you for being here. Take care please. With much love, ♥ nini
15/2/2018 23:54:24
Oh thank you so much Rachel, I am very glad you had a look. I probably need to update the photos but... hehe :D
15/2/2018 09:51:44
Nina! I love this ❤️ .. and I know that feeling too; the knowing your path the one day and feeling confused the next. Breating and trying again tomorrow. Often trying something else. Your advise is great!
15/2/2018 23:56:43
Thank you so much Ilana ♥
15/2/2018 21:08:03
I feel you! I get those ups and downs, I don't like them,but for the last year trying to accept them as they are. Sometimes in a fog I just let it be, Knowing that that Day when sun comes up,I'll remember my purpase again. Sometimes I force myself to approche it more sistematically- I do my Braingym work out, affirmations and questions (what can be better then this), meditation allways helps and alots of grounding through walks in the forest. Trees are the best re-charge battery 💕.
16/2/2018 00:02:41
Oh yes, you are right! Grounding, I keep forgetting about this one and it might be one of my biggest problems as I really do get scattered all over, just like you said the other day. Jup. Sure explains why a hike helps so much. Thank you SO much my dear ♥
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