Art Healing HeartThese are the words I received in a very beautiful meditation that involved fairies, unicorns and of course the dragons. Nothing else was said about them, the only other clue I got was a golden quill like pen/brush. I guess the message had everything to do with me being creative and healing because of it. And this is exactly what I'd like to pass forward onto those, that think they can't possibly draw or be creative. Because it's not true at all. We can all create, we just need to make a first step towards something that feels or looks exciting to us and trust in the process. And also know, it's perfectly ok to mess up. No-one, and I mean, not a single person was born and knew immediately how to walk, talk, write, .... We all need to learn and practice to get better at anything we do. I know it's been a while and I can pretty much write about the same things as I did in my last post or even before that, but I won't. Looks like I'm still searching for that thing I came to do more of in this lifetime. Loads happened in between too I must admit :) Let me do a bit of a sum up from April 1st till this last day of October. April surprised us with a big batch of snow and prompted me to finally move forward and film my first ever Skillshare class. Yeah. I wanted to do that last year but it was too much at once and all that overwhelm needed to settle down a bit. It was still totally overwhelming in April but I took the snow and cool days as a nudge from the Universe to go and finally do it. So I did. It was soooo hard but at the end of editing my movies I had glimpses of enjoying it too. It was an amazing feeling when I finally posted it and seeing people actually watching my class - indescribable and totally super precious. Winter in a Cup - doesn't have many students nor projects posted but I'm hoping it picks them up now that we are entering in real winter time on this side of the globe. May saw me find the first ever chicken of the forest mushroom but I chickened out to actually pick them and try them out. I haven't seen them since. Looks like somebody found them and foraged them. Oh well. I know now :) It was also time for many beautiful walks and a friend of mine sent me the perfect surprise via snail mail. The biggest surprise that May brought was me winning first prize in Ex Tempore Bled 2020 as we were finally able to bring in our works from last year. What a surprise! I was over the moon about this as I won't lie, it was a dream come true. I hope the company that received my super detailed spiral-y work is happy to have it :) June has always been one of the best months for me. I don't know what happened this year - I think it was sheer expectation of it being so, so I now have nothing to report from it July was very much different though. We had a lovely hike after a really long time. Took L to Ratitovec and had The perfect weather - after an incredible hail storm - for it. I spent 3 blissful days at my dear friend's place and as usual, learned a ton from her. Such a Masterful Soul she is. We created a lot, ate really well and saw some beautiful places: I also made a few books again, little journals and two hiking little notebooks to keep track of our future hikes. As it's fun to collect the stamps on top of the mountains or even hills. And because I now have a small Selphy little printer I can glue the photos from the tops inside too and that makes soooo much difference :) August is always really busy with birthdays so we had a lot of good food outings :) And I had a perfect market day with my masterful friend. I love spending time with her and meeting new people and it's been really long since we did this: I also started filming my second Skillshare class. This time, about a very special monthly sketchbook that I actually did complete by the end of September. September was also a very creative month with following interesting color prompted themes as part of #coloricombo project and of course with filming and editing my class. Hikes were also happening and I must say I really have missed them immensely in the past years. Time spent in the nature is definitely invaluable and I am catching glimpses of some pretty amazing beings whilst being out and about too. I hope I get better at retaining these connections for longer one day, so that I can draw and maybe even talk to them. Wouldn't it be super cool to have a little book written and illustrated about these beings? Not a new thing out there but it would be for me. Plus I think we all perceive them a bit differently and that must add some interest too, right? October has been mostly about working in my special sketchbook which wasn't really finished but I'm good with that. Loads was happening alongside as well so it didn't have my fullest of attentions. Like Ex Tempore Bled 2021 for which I made this: It was inspired by the way our Multiverse functions and I'd love to make more of them. Bigger too as this is only 50 x 50 cm but I'd need more space for that. I'll see. But it's definitely a collection I'd like to work on. I also made a little illustration that I sketched back in Izola when we took my dad to have a rather special surgical procedure. So glad all was well back then and still is. I do thank dragons for this and their willingness to help us. Thank you all Light workers out there too. I also held a super fun creative workshop via Zoom in Carly's ZOOM room and I am yet to discover how this will evolve but things are taking shape I believe. I also discovered what I do want - which is really rare for me - and now I want to be strong enough to actually do it. Come to think of it, I did want it before as well but didn't go for it. Oh well.... spirals and all :D Still learning!
I am definitely looking forward to what November brings and I will hopefully be back here sooner :) There's also one thing that I cannot get out of my head and it's "made with nini". I believe this will be something I'll be writing about more in the future. Let's see. All the best till the next write up! Nina
It's ok to digress and learn when it enriches your up-to-date experiences. |