Focus on yourself.Wow, what a start to 2020. So much inner shifts already, so much a-ha moments and quite a lot of creative work done too. Can't share that yet but it's making me sweat and learn at the speed of light ;) Or not. But probably. I'll be brief today because I just wanted to drop by and write something for the beginning of this - as it looks like - quite a year of changes. My word of the year is "focus" and it's about focusing more on myself and my art making; basically being as creative as I can be without the need for any outcomes. For the first time in a very long time I have no Facebook group to take care on - which was never a problem at all, I loved holding those spaces - but it became clear to me at the end of last year that I too, need a break sometimes. So my dear friend took over the 52 weeks group and it's running lovelier than ever and I am really grateful to her for stepping up like that. I am currently illustrating a book for my american friend and it's giving me as much of a hard time as it does the good time. It's all about perspective definitely. I am learning a lot too and am only hoping the final result will be pleasing to both of us. I am also redesigning these pages - or better - uploading more works into the galleries and linking outside to my Etsy shop. Will need to work on all of this much more but not now. I am really not sure if it was necessary to spend so much time here today (yes, I've been doing this today instead of being creative with wool which is calling me) but I guess it had to be done :D Looking through photos from January till today I just have to share some very special moments and my sketchbook plays. These are pages in my altered magazine I tackled probably 2 years ago now (I think I mentioned it here) and I am realizing I just love working in it. It's a Swedish magazine made for Volvo and if I understand correctly they publish it at least twice a year. It has some gorgeous visuals in it - illustrations (as seen on the whale photo - the whale was there and I had fun around it) plus some beautiful photos which I sometimes cover up completely or leave and alter a bit. Really fun and relaxing play. I can't wait to get my hands on another issue and this time I will alter it a bit differently - I need to make it much better that it is (the binding is not good for such a creative play). At the end of January my creative friend and I went to the seaside for a weekend full of art making and being outside. Well, the second part didn't really work as it was raining and the weather was so gloomy but the art part was definitely done! We also put up a gallery of my old fractal works and they completely changed the vibe of the place. I still love them so much and in a way I am still exploring depth and perspective in my more abstract work: Another rather special thing took place in January and that's a short but fun workshop with my old friends who don't exactly play with paints. We had such a nice evening exploring watercolors and making little books out of them. Too bad we had to go home but it was in the middle of the week and people have to work and the younger ones need to go to school :) Wow, once again I can only thank my "one photo a day" ongoing project for all of these memories.It's crazy how quickly one forgets what happened not so long ago, especially when one is pulled into something deeply that takes all the focus. Oh yeah, I'm ending with my word of the year :D
Thank you dear blog for being so patient and thank you dear reader for dropping in. As always, wishing you all the best, always. With much love ♥ Nini